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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Chris Brown's Apologizes For That "Incident"

Chris Brown recently released this video apologizing for, you know, that "incident" in February. In the video, it is very unclear what he apologizing for. He only talks specifically about domestic violence when referencing what he experienced in his childhood. He only mentioned Rihanna by name once. If you didn't know what had happened in February, you would be really confused.

I'm still not quite sure if this apology video should be taken seriously. Yes, I'm sure he is sorry for what he did to Rihanna...and sorry for the backlash that it caused against him. What about you? Do you think his apology is truly, 100% heartfelt? Or is it (if only partly) a publicity ploy aimed at gaining public approval again?

Further Reading:
On Chris Brown's Public "Apology" [Feministing]
Chris Brown Apologizes For That Thing He Did [Jezebel]
Chris Brown Can't Admit What He Did [Womanist Musings]


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