We are all too aware that advertisements are often photoshopped. One example of breast enhancement through photoshopping is Kiera Knightly.
Kiera Knightly is a beautiful woman. Knightly is not well-endowed in the breast region and she loves her body. However, she faces a constant battle to not have her body made "curvier" in advertisments and movie promotions. This post offers the quote: “She has insisted that her figure stay in its natural state. She is proud of her body and doesn’t want it altered.”But it seems that Knightly has been photoshopped yet again in a recent Chanel ad. To the left is that Chanel ad that has appeared for the new perfume Coco Mademosielle. She's pictured bare chested except for suspender straps that cover her nipples.
But if we look at the picture to the right of her being "tended to" during the photoshoot, you can see that her bust is not as ample as it appears in the ad. The Daily Mail brought in an airbrushing expert to look at the ad, and he had this to say: 'Her breast has had some shading added to it to give it the effect of being rounder and more pert and it has also been increased in size slightly.' Chanel has not commented on the issue to confirm or deny airbrushing, but I think that it is pretty obvious that there has definitely been some digital enhancement.
And this is not the first time that Knightly's body, specifically her breasts, have been the subject of airbrushing. In the movie promotion posters for King Arthur, Knightly appeared to have an inflated bust in the American posters (though not in the British posters...).
And we wonder why women have negative relationships with their breasts. To have someone who is happy with their body photoshopped to alter her appearance just reinforces in society that need to change our appearances -- to never be happy with the way you are. Knightly loves her body and speaks up against having her body photoshopped for advertisements, yet her body continues to be airbrushed.
Continuing to use airbrushing in advertisements encourages women to have unhealthy relationships with their bodies and their breasts. By taking a woman who is relatively flat-chested and photoshopping her body to make it appear as if she is bustier is telling women with small breasts that they are not good enough -- that they need to make their breasts bigger if they want to be accepted in society. Most women at some point in their lives have desires to make their breasts larger, smaller, rounder, perkier, etc. This is partly caused by the need to photoshop women in advertisements. Our obsession with bigger breasts is hurting women of all shapes and sizes.
H/T to o filthy grandeur!
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Friday, August 21, 2009
Breast Implications #11: Kiera in Advertisments
Posted by Laura at 10:02 AM
Labels: advertising, body image, breast implications, self esteem
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