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Monday, August 3, 2009

Check Out: 50 Books for Problematic Times

RMJ at Deeply Problematic has started a new series entitled "50 Books for Problematic Times" (50bpt). After reading Newsweek's "50 Books of Our Times," RMJ noticed that this list was a representation of something other than our "modern society"...white male privilege. RMJ counted and determine that of the 50 books on the list 84% were white, 78% were male, 96% were straight, and 66% were both white and male.

I'm pretty sure our society and world is not 66% white males. RMJ decided that what was really needed was a list of books that "shed light on society as it is today (its virtues and its flaws) without the benefit of bodies that fit into the canon." So who are these writers? This list will be comprised primarily of women writers, writers of color, LGBTQ writers, and trans writers.

RMJ comprised this list of by soliciting readers to make submissions (and possibly we'll get some reviews from RMJ herself). I submitted a few of my favorite books. And there is still time for you to make your suggestions! Click here for instructions.

This series kick off today with a review of Grapefruit by Yoko Ono submitted by Cara Kulwicki of The Curvature, Feministe, and Tangerine Dreams. This sounds like a really interesting book written by an awesome woman. I'm definitely adding it to my "to read" list. I'm excited to see what other books are going to be featured!

I will be cross-posting some of the posts from 50bpt here, but make sure you check them all out
over at Deeply Problematic. RMJ will be posting one book a day until all 50 have been listed.


RMJ said...

Thanks for the shout out and all of your support, Laura. It's great to have a contemporary like you around. :)

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